TOOMBS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LARGE COURTROOMAPRIL 15TH, 2014 5:30 PMREGULAR MEETINGPRESENT: MICHAEL BLAKE TILLERY, ROY LEE WILLIAMS, WENDELL HUGH DIXON, DENNIS DARRIEL NOBLES, HOWARD KAUFOLD, JOHN M. JONES, AND BELINDA WHIRLEYCall to Order: Chairman Tillery called the meeting to order at 5:30PM.Invocation: Vice-Chairman McCormick gave the invocation.Approve Agenda: Commissioner Dixon made a motion seconded by Vice-Chairman McCormick to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.Approval of Minutes: Regular Board Meeting March 18, 2014 Vice-Chairman McCormick made a motion seconded by CommissionerDixon to approve the minutes of the March 18th, 2014 meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.Employee of the Month: Special Presentation Chairman Tillery introduced Crystal Wardlaw of the Tax Assessor’s office as employee of the month for April, 2014. He awarded her with a $50.00 Gift Certificate to Ruby Tuesday’s of Vidalia.Sheriff Kight: Sheriff Kight presented two Law Enforcement Officers; Deputy Robert Wiggs and Georgia State Patrol Trooper Jeffery Taylor with commendations for saving the life of Mr. Jimmy Ramsey.On January 25th, 2014, these two officers went above and beyond the call of duty to save a life from a burning home. After being warned not to return to burning house both gentlemen went in a life threatening situation to pull Mr. Ramsey to safety.Following the presentation Chairman Tillery ask for another round of applause and he thanked both of them again.
Public Participation: Chris Zorn of Zorn Land, Inc. appeared before the Commission to ask that they reconsider taking on a new dirt road that he would like to deed to the county. He comes before the board as an investor who pays taxes and as a representative for the 20 or so people who live on that road and the 50 church members who attend the church on this road.
The prior Commission sent Mr. Zorn a letter in December of 2012 which listed items that needed to be completed in order to meet the current road ordinance criteria at that time. Mr. Zorn wanted to know if he completed the list would the county accept the roads.
Mr. Zorn said “the Commissioner’s rules keep being changed and we are finding it hard to comply because the rules have changed. The rules were for a 60 foot road and now it is 80 foot and at that time we made sure that we got with the county to make sure the roads were right when the subdivision was developed.”
Mr. Zorn implied that he doesn’t mind getting the road up to the specs outlined in the letter but if he is going to put $25,000.00 more into the investment then he wants a promise that after he has maintained them for a year that the county will then take the road. If the commission willagree to this then we have no problem investing another $25,000.00 but without that promise we are not willing to invest that money.
Chairman Tillery said “he did not mind bringing this subject up for a brief discussion but normally it is not done this way. Public participation is for the public to bring comments before the Commission but we usually don’t make any decisions right then. We have time to get back with you later for our decision.”
Tillery went on to thank Mr. Zorn for bringing this to the attention of the Commission because it is a little different situation. He went on to say that Mr. Zorn is right the county is rapidly moving toward not accepting anymore dirt roads because it is not cost effective for us since maintaining those roads are too costly.
The second thing is that this is different because this road was done prior to the new ordinance and you have dealt with the prior commission on this. I don’t know what all needs to be done and if everything was done according to the current specs it would be hard for me to vote no but I only vote when there is a tie.
Mr. Zorn said that this is the problem because no one will give an answer whenever they bring it before the Commission. He implied that the rules keep changing and he needs something concrete. Zorn went on to say that any developer who comes to Toombs County needs some kind of consistency.
Chairman Tillery said “I understand that the ordinance changed from 2008 to the present and that it will probably change again within the next few years. If someone came in and said they were going to comply with the current ordinance and needed us to give them an 18 month window in which to comply then I would be in agreement with that.”
Mr. Zorn replied that he would be willing to comply with that. Tillery informed Zorn it is something we can talk about. Chairman Tillery said “before we say that these are the 8 things that need to be done I would like to bring caution that I don’t know how many there will be there could be more according to the current ordinance.”
Commissioner Nobles commented that if everything was done according to what the current ordinance specs are whether it is 8 or 12 then he would have a hard time being against accepting the road due to the situation.
Mr. Zorn asked “if the ordinance hasn’t changed since the date of this letter why do we have to keep adding more? Why can’t we do the 8 things listed and maintain it for one year and then be able to deed it over to the county?”
Commissioner McCormick commented that he agrees with Mr. Zorn. “I remember when you came before the Commission before but this is the first time I have seen this letter. We really want to help you get this done but we don’t know what the specs are. Whether it is 8 or 12 that gets the road up to specifications and you comply, then it is my commitment to you to bring the road in. “
Commissioner Nobles asked Mr. Zorn if he is willing to set down with County Manger Jones, Chairman Tillery and himself and discuss this that it can be worked out. If we all agree and sign off on it then it is not going to change. Nobles asked Mr. Zorn to call the county manager to set up a time for them to set down and talk.
Commissioner Dixon commented that he feels like Commissioner Nobles and Vice-Chairman McCormick, that if Zorn Investments complies then he is for bringing the road in.
Next, the reverend of the church on this road came before the Commission as the Pastor of Solid Rock Church of The Living God Church at 173 Annie Mae Road and as a citizen. She also pleaded with the Commission to do something.
Lynn Moore, EMA Director also appeared before the Commission. He mentioned that weather officials had been in the county area after recent destruction of property due to storms. Moore said “it is imperative that anyone who sees damage to property due to weather conditions notify 9-1-1 so that specific weather conditions can be documented. If you have a problem from weather call 911 so we will know.”
Moore went on to say that he and two meteorologists from the National Weather Service had traveled the county, and the official result was that there were no tornadoes that touched down. However, they did say that winds were high with tornado like conditions that if any did actually touch down may have caused the damage.
“We need to know when there’s been bad weather in the county,” Moore said. For the county’s benefit and law enforcement, let 911 know so we can take a look at it and then the National Weather Service will come down and pinpoint where the storms were on their radar.”
Next, Mr. Larry Stevens of Lyons appeared before the Commission to bring a petition with 175 names of citizens who are against the closing of Highway from 147 to the DC Clark Road. This would cause a negative impact on ISO Rating at The Marvin Yancey Fire Department as well as to the people in this area and would cause their fire ratings to rise which in turn would make their property fire insurance increase.
Development Authority Report: None
Submission of ImpactStatements on Closing Providence Church Road: County Manager John Jones informed the Commission that he has received the impact statements for Providence Church Road. The ordinance requires that the Commission have them for 30 days.
Approval of Toombs County Policy on Re-Naming a Road: Following a brief discussion of the Policy on Re-Naming a Road Vice-Chairman McCormick made a motion seconded by Commissioner Dixon to table until the next regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Scope & Objectives of Animal Control Advisory Committee and Approval of Members to the Committee: Manager Jones presented the draft of the scope & objectives of that committee and the recommendations of names for that committee. Vice-Chairman McCormick made a motion seconded by Commissioner Dixon to approve the Statements on Scope & Objectives of the Animal Control Advisory Committee. Motion carried unanimously.
It was the recommendation of Manager Jones to appoint Kenny Clark, Theresa Ingley, and Leesa Hagen to the Animal Advisory Committee. Commissioner Nobles made the motion to approve the recommendation of Manager Jones seconded by Commissioner Dixon. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of mapping services for E911 – Zuercher Technologies: Commissioner Dixon made a motion seconded by Vice-Chairman McCormick to approve the mapping services for E-911 with Zuercher Technologies at a cost of $4,500.00 for one year. Motion carried unanimously.
Review of Draft on Planning Commission Ordinance: Manager Jones presented a draft on the Planning Commission Ordinance. With the adoption of the Planning Commission Ordinance the County would become eligible for CDBG Grants twice a year instead of once.
Review of Draft on Noise Ordinance: Manager Jones informed the Commission that they are studying the issue. The Sheriff has gotten involved and has found that other counties are having the same problems with it. The County Attorney, Howard Kaufold is also involved with finding a solution to the problem.
County Manager Report Financial Report: County Manager, John Jones gave the March Financial Statement. Sales Tax is down again. No questions followed.
EMS Report: There were 336 calls for the month of March. Expenditures were at $182,313.93 with revenues at $102,312.64. A new ambulance is scheduled to be picked up Thursday.
TIA Up-Date: We have been out getting right-of-way deeds signed for the Ezra Taylor project.
2014 LMIG Up-Date: We are planning on using the 2014 LMIG Money to pave Glynn James Road from US 1 all the way to Tomlin Road. Engineer is getting the permits and will use the original design.
Convenience Center Up-Dates: Everything has been signed by the state and the county should have thedeed in July. Manager Jones is trying to get permission to go ahead and proceed with construction.
Accounting Software Support Contract: Our current support vendor is no longer a licensed provider to provide support to the county. We are looking at going directly to the Caselle Software Company. It is a $2400.00 increase from what we were paying. This is just for software and doesn’t bind us to buy anything.
Commissioner Dixon made a motion seconded by Commissioner Nobles to approve the contract for Caselle Software Support at a cost of $725.00 per month. Motion carried unanimously.
Other Items: Next, there are 3 bids for air conditioning at one of the training fire station on Highway 15. They are not consistent with each other. Mr. Robert Kimball who works for the county on our air conditioners is going to get the specs right and let a rebid take place.
Chairman Tillery mentioned that Alvin who is over the maintenance of the buildings brought him a picture of the air conditioner at the courthouse and it is dated 1964.
Next we have two bids for a fingerprinting machine. Vice-Chairman McCormick made a motion seconded by Commissioner Nobles to approve the purchase of the finger printing machine from Eagle Advantage in the amount of $9,650.00 to be paid from the Jail Fund. Motion carried unanimously.
Manager Jones mentioned that the County is part of the ACCG Pool for Worker’s Compensation and we are going to receive a $32,000.00 refund.
We have received a grant from ACCG for an intern this summer. We are going to have the student scan all of our minutes so that we will be able to digitize them and become more paperless. Also, they will be looking at the Accounts Payable process and streamlining that more. The County has also applied for a Fall Grant as well.
Commissioners Comments: Commissioner Nobles apologized for being late due to a wreck on the highway on his way back from the ACCG Conference held in Savannah.
Nobles went on to thank the Road Department for the fine job that they are doing.
Commissioner Nobles also informed the Commission that he and the county attorney is working on a new beer & wine ordinance. We should have something by the next regular meeting.
Commissioner Dixon thanked Manager Jones and EMS Director Carroll for speaking last week at the Kiwanis’s Meeting.
Vice-Chairman McCormick thanked the other Board members for taking up his slack since he has been so involved with the school accreditation. Also, he thanked the Road Department for all they do and the speed at which they respond.
Chairman Tillery mentioned that Montgomery County had started their own E-911. They went live on April 1st, 2014. Tillery went on to thank Barry Brown from Toombs County E-911 for helping with this transition.
Tillery informed all that the county now has only 5 voting precincts and the maps are on the Toombs County Website and the public can go there to see where they vote. You can also go to the Secretary of State Website and find out where you vote.
Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting adjourned on a motion made by Vice-Chairman McCormick seconded by Commissioner Dixon at 7:00PM. Motion carried unanimously. |