A. Ventilation and Airway Equipment:
1. Electric suction apparatus and accessories
- Tonsilar suction tips (4)
- Flexible suction catheters 5F-14F (1 ea)
2. Portable oxygen equipment
- Portable min 300 L capacity/’D’ tank (2)
- Constant flow regulator with adjustable flow rates from at least 2 – 15 lpm (2)
3. Installed fixed oxygen equipment able to simultaneously deliver to at least two patients
- Fixed min 3000 L capacity/’M’tank (1)
- Remaining tank-pressure gauge (1)
- Liter flowmeter with adjustable flow rate and quick disconnect (2)
- Wall mounted standard oxygen port with quick disconnect (2)
4. Oxygen administration equipment
Adult (4)
Pediatric (2)
Infant (2)
- Transparent non -rebreather mask
Adult (4)
Pediatric (3)
Adult (1)
Pediatric (1)
5. Bag mask resuscitators
- Adult minimum 800 ml tidal volume (2)
- Child maximum 400 ml tidal volume (2)
- Clear masks for use with resuscitators Adult (2)
Child (2)
Infant (2)
6. Airways
- Oropharyngeal sizes 55 mm – 115 mm (2 ea)
- Nasopharyngeal sizes 20F – 34F (1 ea)
B. Immobilization Devices:
1. Rigid cervical collars Pediatric and adult assorted sizes (1 ea, total 5)
2. Head immobilization device (2)
3. Lower extremity traction device (1)
4. Extremity immobilization devices in appropriate sizes (1 set)
5. Long backboards (2)
6. Short spine immobilization device (2)
7. Immobilization straps or cravats (1 set per board)
C. Dressings and Bandages:
1. Sterile burn sheets (2)
2. Triangular bandages (1)
3. Sterile dressings
· 10×30″ or larger (4)
· ABD 5×9″ or larger (6)
· 4×4″ (50)
4. Clean rolled bandages 4″ or larger (10)
5. Sterile occlusive dressing, 3×8″ or larger (4)
6. Adhesive tape
· 2″ or 3″ hypoallergenic (6)
D. Radio Communication:
1. Installed mobile radio transceiver utilizing State of Georgia EMS frequencies.
E. Obstetrical:
1. Individual sterile kits containing at least a bulb syringe,surgical gloves, sterile disposable scalpel, cord clamps, and plastic bag for placenta disposal (2)
2. Heat reflective or insulating blanket for infant
F. Miscellaneous:
1. Sphygmomanometer
· Adult (2)
· Child (1)
· Infant (1)
2. Stethoscope (2)
3. Heavy bandage shears (2)
4. Flashlights (2)
5. Blankets (4)
6. Sheets (4 sets) pillowcases (4)
7. Pillows (2)
8. Fire extinguisher min. Rating 2A10BC (1)
9. Triage tags (50)
10. Ambulance cot with mounted cot fastening system (1)
11. Luminescent traffic warning devices (2)
12. Scoop stretcher (1)
13. Stair chair or equivalent seated transport device
14. Current US DOT Emergency Response Guidebook (1)
G. Infection Control:
1. Body substance isolation
· Eye protection, gloves, gowns, masks, shoe covers (sufficient number for crew)
· Antimicrobial hand wash
· Standard sharps container (1)
· Disposable trash bags (2)
· Biohazard bags
H. Medications:
1. Activated Charcoal (2 bottles)
2. Oral Glucose (1 tube)
1. Defibrillator
1. Semi-automatic defibrillator
2. Defibrillator pads
A. Vascular Access:
1. Minimum 6000 ml of intravenous fluids, either
· Normal Saline and/or
· Lactated Ringers
2. Intravenous administration sets (6)
3. Intravenous Catheters sized 14g to 24g (6 ea)
4. Tourniquet (2)
5. Antiseptic wipes (6)
6. IV pole or roof hook (1)
B. Advanced Airway Control:
1. EOA with mask and syringe
1. Laryngoscope handle with extra batteries and bulbs
2. Laryngoscope blades
· Straight size 0, 1, 2
· Curved and/or straight 3, 4
3. Endotracheal tubes
· Uncuffed size 3.0 mm – 5.0 mm (2 ea)
· Cuffed size 5.5 mm – 8.0 mm (2 ea)
4. 10 ml non-Luerlock syringes (6)
5. Stylettes
· Adult (2)
· Pediatric size 6 Fr (1)
6. Water soluble lubricating jelly (6 pkgs or 1 tube)
1. Intraosseous needles (4)
2. 10 cc syringe
Additional equipment
A. Vascular Access:
1. Minimum 6000 ml of intravenous fluids, either
· Normal Saline and/or
· Lactated Ringers
2. Intravenous administration sets (6)
3. Intravenous Catheters sized 14g to 24g (6 ea)
4. Tourniquet (2)
5. Antiseptic wipes (6)
6. IV pole or roof hook (1)
7. Intraosseous needles (4)
8. Syringes of various sizes including tuberculin
9. Needles size 14g – 24g
B. Advanced Airway Control:
1. Laryngoscope handle with extra batteries and bulbs
2. Laryngoscope blades
· Straight size 0, 1, 2
· Curved and straigh
3. Endotracheal tubes
· Uncuffed size 3.0 mm – 5.0 mm (2 ea)
· Cuffed size 5.5 mm – 8.0 mm (2 ea)
4. 10 ml non-Luerlock syringes (6)
5. Stylettes
· Adult (2)
· Pediatric size 6 Fr(1)
6. Water soluble lubricating jelly (6 pkg or 1 tube)
7. Magill forceps, adult and pediatric sizes (1 ea)
C. Cardiac:
1. Manual monitor/defibrillator
2. Monitoring patches (2 sets)
3. Pacing patches (2 sets)
D. Medications:
Full disclosure of all medications utilized by the paramedic
A. Ventilation and Airway Management:
1. Electric suction apparatus and accessories
· Portable suction
· Installed suction
· Wide bore tubing
· Tonsilar suction tips
· Flexible suction catheters (6 Fr – 14 Fr)
2. Portable oxygen equipment
· Minimum 300L capacity / ‘D’ tank
· Constant flow regulator with adjustable flow rates (2 – 15 lpm)
3. Installed fixed oxygen equipment able to simultaneously deliver oxygen to at least 2 patients
· Minimum 3000L capacity/ ‘M’ tank
· Tank pressure gauge
· Liter flowmeter with adjustable flow rate and quick disconnect
4. Oxygen administration equipment
· Nasal cannula
· Non -rebreather mask, adult and pediatric
· Nebulizer
5. Bag mask resuscitators and masks
· Adult
· Pediatric
· Infant
· Neonate
6. Oral and nasopharyngeal airways
· Assorted sizes to include 40mm – 115mm, 00-5
7. Advanced airway control
· Laryngoscope blades, straight and curved
· Endotracheal tubes, cuffed and uncuffed (3.0 – 8.0)
· Stylettes
Adult Pediatric, to include size 6 Fr
· Magill forceps
Adult Pediatric
· Water soluble lubricating jelly
· 10ml non-Leurlock syringes
Needle and surgical airway kit
· Heimlich valves / needle decompression kits
8. Ventilator
· Peep valve
9. End tidal CO2 Monitoring Device
10. Pulse Oximeter
B. Vascular Access:
1. NS and/or LR
2. Intravenous administration sets
3. Intravenous catheters (24g – 14g)
4. Tourniquet
5. Antiseptic wipes
6. IV pole or hook
7. Intraosseous needles
8. Syringes of various sizes
9. Pressure bags
C. Cardiac:
1. Manual Monitor/Defibrillator/Pacer
2. Monitoring patches
3. Multifunction pads
D. Medications:
1. Full disclosure of all medications utilized
E. Immobilization:
1. Rigid cervical collars, adult and pediatric
2. Head immobilization devices
3. Extremity immobilization devices
4. Long backboard/ stretcher/ scoop
5. Immobilization straps
6. Pediatric immobilization device
F. Dressings and Bandages:
1. Burn dressings
2. Sterile dressings
· 10×30″ or larger
· ABD 5×9″ or larger
· 4×4″
· Roller type bandages
· Occlusive dressings
3. Tape |